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ID 题目 显示标签 隐藏标签 AC / 尝试 难度
559 A2028  [USACO07NOV] Sunscreen G 94 / 234 5
560 A2029  修理牛棚 97 / 352 6
561 A2030  Protecting the Flowers 84 / 171 4
571 A2032  奶牛玩杂技 25 / 44 3
584 A2038  Sevens 82 / 258 6
590 A2061  Feed Accounting 84 / 209 5
653 A2075  进击的奶牛 79 / 194 5
681 A2091  [USACO14DEC] Cow Jog S 4 / 22 9
605 A2102  Patting Heads S 60 / 158 5
536 A3004  平衡括号2 72 / 128 3
828 P828  [USACO04NOV] Apple Catching G 30 / 66 4
757 P1219  [USACO1.5] 八皇后 Checker Challenge 49 / 76 2
842 P1466  [USACO2.2] 集合 Subset Sums 31 / 61 3
745 P1605  迷宫 48 / 85 3
901 P1649  [USACO07OCT] Obstacle Course S 19 / 55 6
767 P1825  [USACO11OPEN] Corn Maze S【难】 34 / 183 8
927 P2090   回家 Bessie Come Home 0 / 0 (无)
929 P2092  【挑战题】Revamping Trails G 0 / 0 (无)
923 P2096  奶牛牧场 0 / 0 3
936 P2099  奶牛排队 0 / 0 (无)
937 P2100  障碍物 0 / 0 (无)
931 P2106  [USACO07NOV] Cow Hurdles S 0 / 0 3
932 P2107  [USACO08JAN] Cow Contest S 0 / 0 5
818 P2690  [USACO04NOV] Apple Catching G 0 / 1 10
897 P2853  [USACO06DEC] Cow Picnic S【必做题】 26 / 62 5
869 P2858  [USACO06FEB] Treats for the Cows G/S 30 / 71 5
766 P2895  [USACO08FEB] Meteor Shower S【中等】 44 / 136 6
62 P3001  [USACO11NOV] Cow Lineup S 73 / 183 5
132 P3018  [USACO17DEC] Barn Painting G 46 / 109 5
137 P3023  [USACO09FEB] Fair Shuttle G 35 / 83 5
231 P3030  [USACO11FEB] Generic Cow Protests G 38 / 92 5
311 P3052  [USACO10FEB] Slowing down G 29 / 43 2
315 P3053  [USACO11DEC] Grass Planting G 34 / 43 1
338 P3056  [USACO19DEC] Milk Visits G 24 / 46 4
395 P3071  [USACO07NOV] Cow Relays G 20 / 26 3
493 P3081  [USACO23FEB] Moo Route II S 1 / 3 10
504 P3085  [USACO23JAN] Tractor Paths P 6 / 22 8
500 P3088  [USACO23OPEN] Pareidolia G 13 / 17 5
498 P3089  [USACO23FEB] Fertilizing Pastures G 5 / 26 8
506 P3091  [USACO22FEB] Moo Network G 11 / 32 6
507 P3092  [USACO16FEB] Circular Barn G 11 / 23 6
508 P3093  [USACO07DEC] Best Cow Line G 18 / 25 3
509 P3094  [USACO22JAN] Cereal 2 S 10 / 18 7
511 P3095  [USACO22JAN] Drought G 12 / 16 6
825 P4826  [USACO15FEB] Superbull S 2 / 2 10
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