#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; struct odt { ll l,r; mutable ll v; odt(ll l, ll r = 0, ll v = 0) : l(l), r(r), v(v) {} bool operator<(const odt &a) const{return l < a.l;} }; set<odt> Chtholly; ll a[10005],n,m,x,y,op,l,r,vmax,seed; ll rnd() { ll ret=seed; seed=(seed*7+13)%1000000007; return ret; } set<odt>::iterator split(int p) { set<odt>::iterator it=Chtholly.lower_bound(odt(p));//查找p所在的位置 if (it!=Chtholly.end()&&it->l==p){return it;}//p本身就是一个区间的开头 it--;//裂开 if (it->r<p){return Chtholly.end();} ll l = it->l,r=it->r,v=it->v; Chtholly.erase(it);Chtholly.insert(odt(l, p-1,v)); return Chtholly.insert(odt(p,r,v)).first; } void add(ll l, ll r, ll x)//添加 { set<odt>::iterator itr=split(r+1),itl=split(l); for (set<odt>::iterator it = itl;it!=itr;it++){it->v+=x;} } void assign(ll l,ll r,ll x)//推平 { set<odt>::iterator itr=split(r+1),itl=split(l); Chtholly.erase(itl,itr);Chtholly.insert(odt(l,r,x)); } int find_k(ll l,ll r,ll x) { set<odt>::iterator itr=split(r+1),itl=split(l);int cnt=0;set<odt>::iterator i=itl; while(cnt<x){cnt+=(i->r-i->l+1);i++;} return i->v; } ll cal(ll l,ll r,ll x,ll y) { set<odt>::iterator itr=split(r+1),itl=split(l); ll ans=0; for (set<odt>::iterator i=itl;i!=itr;i++) { int sum=1,p=x,b=i->v; while(p>0){if(p%2!=0){sum=sum*b%y;}b=b*b%y;p/=2;} sum%=y;ans+=sum;ans%=y; } return ans; } int main() { cin>>n>>m>>vmax>>seed; for (ll i=1;i<=n;i++){a[i]=(rnd()%vmax)+1;} for (ll i=1;i<=m;i++) { op=(rnd() % 4)+1,l=(rnd() % n)+1,r=(rnd() % n)+1; if (l>r){swap(l,r);} if (op==3){x =(rnd()%(r-l+1))+1;} else{x=(rnd()%vmax)+1;} if (op == 4){y = (rnd() % vmax) + 1;} if (op==1){add(l,r,x);} if (op==2){assign(l,r,x);} if (op==3){cout<<find_k(l,r,x)<<endl;} if (op==4){cout<<cal(l,r,x,y)<<endl;} } return 0; }
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This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions.